Friday, September 12, 2014

The Angel Sense Guardian Device

I have been asked to write a little more about the Angelsense device I spoke about in the last blog. So this blog will be more about why I like this device over others we've tried and researched. To really understand why the Angelsense unit works better takes knowledge that I don't have, but I tried to find out some more information. 

Everyone I've talked to has had the same questions I do... why do we get false readings? Why does the car GPS seem to work better? How detailed is the information we can get? Anyway... most geographical GPS (like for a car or boat) units receive data from a constellation of 27 satellites, whereas the GPS devices we would buy for our children is based on cell phone technology.
Satellite GPS
Put into terms I could understand, a phone based GPS unit is like a two-way radio, it bounces a signal off the closest cell phone towers.
phone GPS

Once the information has been received by the company that provides the service, the information has to be analyzed and transmitted to the individual GPS device. Based on what computer program receives and interprets the data as, is the information we receive. So, in a nutshell, the GPS we use is only as good as the program that is created to gather, analyze and transmit the data. 
Now, the reasons I love the Angelsense guardian device for several reasons. 
  • It has been accurate so far (I don't expect that to change) and I get regular updates as to my little ones location:map with pictureSystem alerts
  • I can set a schedule based on location so I know when he arrives or leaves somewhere:
scheduleAngel list
  • In between locations, it shows me the transit direction, where he's been:

By getting regular updates, I can go about my day knowing that the device will let me know where he is at any time. I don't have to worry about getting a phone call saying he's missing. I get a tone every time he leaves a location. Then, God forbid anything should happen, the unit has a "listen in" feature. If we find that he's gone into a building and the GPS does not show him leaving, we call the unit and can hear any surrounding noises or voices. If we hear water running, we know he's in a kitchen or a bathroom. If he's we hear machinery, we know to look for machinery. 

So if you also need a GPS unit for your "wanderer" or "bolter", I recommend the Angelsense device. Check it out and see for yourself:

From a mother's heart - I would love to see a day when no child would "disappear" from where they are suppose to be, a day when no child would wander away. That is unrealistic, so, as long as our little guy "wanders", we will use Angelsense to keep an eye him.

YGod BlessY

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