Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Boys Come Home (3)

Finally, after a meeting during the day, an overnight stay, and another trip to CPS to verify... the boys came home. The neat thing (to us) was they came home on their 4 month birthday. We were overjoyed! As most first-time parents know (especially moms I think - maybe dads too)... you can watch that baby for hours.
Everyone asked if it was hard. The beginning really wasn't. Whenever I'd call, I had help from my wonderful sister and her girls. Understand, these were our 1st babies... we didn't know any different. Like bringing home the first baby addition to your family, you have to learn as you go. We just had two. They really were easy in the beginning. I am grateful for those days, sometimes I long for them.

We knew that we could have issues from the beginning. But, we thought it might be from the birth mother, after all, because we were going through the foster/adopt system, we had to foster these beautiful boys for six months before we could actually adopt. Little did I know they were going to grow much, much more difficult. But not because of the system, but I wouldn't trade it. Our boys are totally worth it!

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