Friday, August 23, 2013

Ignorance is Not Bliss... For Those Around It

I've struggled with this for the past few days, I had decided not to address it, but I can't ignore it.
It's about the letter left for a mother in Canada with an autistic child. It was hateful, hurtful and showed absolutely no sign of compassion. I am deeply saddened that there are actually people filled with so much hatred and ignorance that they would even consider writing something like that. If you haven't heard about it by now, you can find the letter online at:

Be prepared, it took me a few times to be able to read through it. I couldn't believe that someone would even consider writing the letter, let alone deliver it. Of course they signed it - one PO'd mother. I can't imagine the hatred that is takes to come up with something like that. I am generally a forgiving person and I try to put myself in someone else's shoes, but I have to admit in this case... I am at a loss.

ignorance 2

That being said, I would like to return to a positive theme.

I believe that all children are capable of great things. Whether they have ASD (autism spectrum disorder), an intellectual disability, Down Syndrome or some other challenge that they face, they are Different Not Less!  These kiddos are more receptive to the world around them than anyone realizes. They see things in a unique way, a way that we can only hope to understand one day. So precious, inquisitive, bright eyed - to watch them makes me question - what do they see when they have that "look" in their eyes.

his eyesIMG_1201IMG_1202

Listen when they sound like they are just "making noise", it took me a while to realize Daniel was singing songs at times. When they sound like they're talking but you can't quite make out what they're saying, they're trying to communicate but we don't understand their language. Remember that God only gives you what you can handle. You are a very special person to be blessed with a child with special needs - even though it doesn't always seem that way, I believe it is true. You're child could've been born to another family, one who didn't have patience. One who thought they were more of a burden than anything else. 

From a mother's heart - You are special, you have a special loved one, and you are loved!

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