Monday, August 12, 2013

"I'm in Here"

Like yin and yang, salt and pepper, ketchup and mustard... there are good days and bad days for everyone. They just seem to go together.

The parents, or caregivers, of a child with autism will generally have good, bad, ugly and exceptional moments - all in the course of a day, usually everyday. Like the parents of neurotypical kiddos, we face the same struggles: trying to help our kiddos grow, brush teeth, potty train, eat with cutlery, etc. The only difference I've found is that everything seems 100 times harder when you're also trying to communicate with your babe and they don't seem understand what it is you're doing.

When I started writing this post, I was researching information on a different topic all together, and ran across a song "I'm in Here." I think this couple does a wonderful job getting the point of autism across to others. To help them see what we see, what our kiddos on the spectrum regularly go through. I manage a Facebook page: Autism Parents - USA (shameless plug) and I had to post it there as well. Let's see if we can get as many people as possible to see it. I found it on the autism awareness page. Grab your tissues if you live with or know a person with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), it will hit you in the stomach and in the heart.

Photo: LIKE to raise Autism Awareness!

“I’m In Here” is a beautiful song written from the perspective of a child with autism.

“I’m in here, oh don’t you know I’m trying to find the way to show you who I am.”

Click here to listen:

From a mother's heart - I pray for all those out there living with an ASD, may we find a cure sooner than later. That the world we live in would learn to be understanding and caring of those who are living with it now.

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