Monday, December 16, 2013

A Simple Gesture Can Change a Life

Being mom to twin boys with ASD* can be difficult... to say the least. I know that I am blessed to have the support I do, to not have to go through this journey alone. My husband is always on and by my side... the boys' side. He supports our family in whatever way he can to make sure that we can do whatever we need to for our boys, and always without complaint. This allows me to be able to be a stay at home mom, researcher for us and those who read this blog. Together we go forward knowing that God will make a way for us to do what we need to. My mission is to do whatever I can to help our boys and let others know that they are not alone in this world... and especially in the world of autism.
autism awareness

You hear about all the bad things people do every day in the News... "So and so used a gun and..." later the news media is quick to make sure they let everyone know... "the person was mentally ill, or had Asperger's - a form of autism, or some other issue". Like these are the whole cause of why the person did what they did. Usually they find some issue and make it sound so dark that it insinuates the person just couldn't have helped themselves, or been helped either.
bad news
I would love to see the news do a segment on what it's like for someone with special needs on a daily basis. Stop asking why - someone who's been bullied for years - finally snaps and does something heinous. Do stories that will make people listen, and take seriously parents that complain about their kids being bullied. Help empower victims, to help boost their self esteem. Watch out for them if they aren't able to. Show people that others need help, encouragement and understanding. Maybe some empathy would keep a victim from becoming a suicide, killer or felon of another kind.
caring and sharing

I've seen so many people in this world who would rather turn away than get involved with someone else's battle. To them I want to scream... Knock it off! What would happen if we got tired enough to speak up? Now I'm not talking about doing something that would put your life in danger. Though many people will do that without a second thought. I'm talking about little things... What if we all began to watch out for just one person who wasn't in our own "comfort zone" - just one stranger. What about helping the person in line in front of you, who is obviously short of the money they need - donate what you can to help them. Don't let them be embarrassed while you just stand there and they have to put back things. What if we asked, say one person a week, if we could help them with something? What if we tried to actually talk to someone who seemed to be struggling through something? Someone who was obviously sad or even lonely?
brave face
One of my favorite stories was written by John Wayne "Jack" Schlatter. It's called "The Simple Gesture". I first read it in "Chicken Soup For the Soul" (volume 1) and it's stuck with me ever since. Mary Robinson Reynolds has produced a short video for the story. You can see it here:

I think it would do us all good do "A Simple Gesture" as often as we are able to remind us how much a simple gesture can mean. Instead of magnifying the "bad" things in the world, why not try spreading a little good. Do something nice, just to be nice. Take an interest, show concern. Make someone smile.
Steve - smile
From a mother's heart - take the time to do something nice for someone. Stand up for someone... Encourage others... Share information you learn, learn from information so you too can help. Share you!
Gob Bless! heart

*ASD (autism spectrum disorder); 

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