Monday, August 25, 2014

Our Autism Home... When School Starts

The first day of the new school year. I cannot believe that summer is gone...
Back to school
As a mom of twins with autism, I've noticed that even though I've been counting the days until school started again, the house is now eerily too quiet. So, what do I find myself doing?
 The "Happy Dance"?           Take that long awaited nap while the house is quiet? 
Nope. I turn on the T.V. and start catching up on "those things"...

You know, those things you can't get done when the kiddos are home. I have no other point of reference, please forgive me if stereotypical kiddos do the same thing... every time I try to sit down and work on the computer, Daniel wants something. If I try to work on the bills, Anthony wants to snuggle. If I wait to lounge around with the boys, they want me to be a jungle gym.

Don't get me wrong... I secretly LOVE IT! I know my babes love me and need me. It does get annoying at times, I figured by the time they were almost 7 they'd want less to do with me. I admit that I wish it were a... little more on my timeline. (Ha! Ha! - right?)

Funny how you get so used to the screams, giggles, belly laughs, tantrums, and meltdowns. Quiet becomes... too quiet. I'm not watching the T.V., it's just a distraction so I can get some of the things done that I couldn't when the boys where home 24/7.

1 in 50 - 4
It's quite interesting what becomes normal in an autism home. For us it's water running in the sink while one boy plays in it. The other dumping food on the flood so the vacuum cleaner obsession can be quelled. Both in different rooms so you have to decide which fire to put out first. Having to put "Little Einsteins" on the iPad to quell the obsession with that. (It can only be on the iPad... not the T.V.)
DSC_0980couch up
As all parents learn, if it gets too quiet... MOVE FAST and find out why. If we're lucky, the boys have fallen asleep and are taking a nap. With ADHD that's usually not the case. There's Daniel climbing on the granite counter... jumping up and down. Anthony's decided it's time to find a piece of cardboard and chew on it and oh, how cute he's sharing... with the dog!!!

So many things happen around an autism home that parents have to actually find humor in it (if you don't, you'll lose your mind). You learn to realize that sometimes you just have to "let it go". No amount of raising your voice, re-directing behavior, saying "no thank you" will change some behaviors. When it's time you change one behavior for another (when they're ready of course).

For now, I can decompress a bit from summer, and try to find my routine. Knowing that my boys are getting what they need the most. A full day! They are so smart, curious, adventurous and determined to be busy, and at school they have that. A busy routine that they LOVE! They were so excited to go to school that Anthony actually got up at 3 a.m. (Luckily he fell back to sleep for a while.)
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I'm so happy to know that they love school, their teachers, their "routines". They want so much to learn, and I'm so grateful for a wonderful teacher and staff that take extra care of our kiddos.

So, I'm back after a long, long summer break. So glad to be able to sit down and share.

From a mother's heart - God Bless you all! What kind of things do you get used to, and don't notice till the kiddos are out of the house?

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