Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankfulness... Hopefully Always

For most of my adult life I have been a glass half-full type of person, see the bright side of things, look for the light at the end of the tunnel. I have always tried to find the positive in every situation. Now, I am by no means able to do this easily every time things go wrong. However, I can very easily become depressed if I even entertain the negative. So, I have chosen to remind myself that no matter what happens, I have so very much to be thankful for:

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It has been a stressful, but wonderful day. Wonderful family time and a great meal to give thanks for and enjoy. The stressful part came in when it was time to head over to Poppy's (grandpa's) house for the festivities. As most parents of small children realize no matter how much you plan, you can rarely get out the door at the time you want to. Especially when it's not for a routine event and you have tried to get moving earlier than normal. This year was no different for us... this time, as we were preparing to get everything done, my husband got a call that meant he would have to go to work for a short period of time. Even though the business was closed, he needed to go help someone who needed truck parts. Now, I admit, at first I was a little put off. We were already behind where we should have been - time wise. Even though he's compensated for these "call outs", all I could think about was: I know I can get the boys ready myself, but I'd like help. Then I realized, someone probably needed his truck to get to his/her Thanksgiving. So, I realized at that point to be thankful that my husband has a job, that we have a roof over our head, that he is able to help someone on this holiday, and that he doesn't have a job where we don't see him very often.

For all those who have children who are on the spectrum, I am thankful for the stories I read that remind me I'm not alone. I am thankful that there are growing networks to help the children and parents to negotiate the life that is the Autism Spectrum. I am thankful for the articles which explain new things they are finding every day, whether it is a new way to diagnose, to treat or just helpful things I may not have found out about yet.

I am so thankful that my boys remind me every day of a new way to see things, to realize that things that are upsetting at a certain point does not mean the end of the world. To be happy in all situations. To get upset, cry or scream, when needed, and then get over it and forget it. I am thankful that my boys don't hold it against me when I mess up and don't know something. To know that no matter what may come, with God, I can handle anything I may need to.

I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving today, and may you be thankful every day (even when you don't feel like it).

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