Monday, November 5, 2012

The Crucial 15th Month (For Us)

By November 1st, we were ready to finalize our adoption. Though the "episodes" were becoming more frequent, and the boys had been subjected to alcohol and drugs in the womb... could that be why Daniel was going through what he was? With no answers, we moved forward, would never have changed our course. The boys meant (and mean) everything to us.

We had a wonderful joint ceremony for all the new CPS adoptive parents at that time - it was a wonderful event. Instead of a stuffy courtroom, once a year - this program, "Adoptions in the Park" gave those finalizing adoptions the chance to have a wonderfully personal gathering. Finalizing in front of a judge in an outdoor venue.

At the next well baby/care checkup, the 15-month questionnaire was to be filled out. Especially if there were concerns. CONCERNS?! We'd been asking questions and bringing up concerns for almost a year... Anyway, with my sister's help (since my husband was unable to make the appointment that day), I realized that there was a lot more going on than I even realized. For Daniel the questions:

Is your baby saying at least ## words? Yes No
Is your baby gesturing for items they want? Yes No
Is your baby walking? No

Well there were too many more "wrong" answers, so, now we had the doctor's acknowledgement that there was indeed... Something going on.
???!!! Really? Ya think ???!!!
While Anthony's questionnaire was better, he had started walking at 14 months, it was still showing something a little off.
The great news was that on the 15th month birthday - Daniel began to walk. Also, not too long after, we would have our first appointment with our local Regional Center. A place that helps provide services to children will varying degrees of "issues'. Our local center focuses on Autism, mental and other issues.

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