Saturday, May 11, 2013

For Mom's Everywhere - Happy Mother's Day!

For Mother's Day - and just back from vacation - I wanted to dedicate today's blog to mom's everywhere with a poem I wrote many years before I became one.


For all the diapers you have changed,
All the “boo-boo’s” you have kissed.
For all the schedules rearranged,
And every “day-off” you have missed.
For all the times you’ve been asked “why”,
Every answer you have given.
For every time you made me try,
All the “no-no’s” you’ve forgiven.
For every time you’d want to scream,
But held your tongue instead.
For teaching it’s o.k. to dream,
For loving kisses before bed.
For putting your own life on hold,
To make sure I grow up right,
For waking me in the morning,
And tucking me in every night.
For all your love and tenderness,
…for everything you do.
These words alone do not express,
The deepest, heart-felt… THANK-YOU!!!

flowerslmab 5/2001

From a mother's heart - have a wonderful day!!!

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