Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Summer's Coming...

Well, the 2012 - 2013 school year is almost over. The boys will finish out this school year in the next few weeks. The PALS (Program for the Acquisition of Language and Social skills)* will be over, Kindergarten will be behind us and we will be looking forward to summer. So, in between getting sprayed with the hose...


and exploring...


and running errands and going for walks with daddy...


We will settle into a summer routine of Monday thru Friday - ABA for 4 hours a day.

D - ABA - 1ABA nose

Then, in the fall, when the new school year begins...


The boys will begin the 1st grade... in a new school... with a new teacher... new IA's (Instructional Assistants)... and new peers. They will begin the EIAP class (Elementary Intensive Autism Program). But that is for autumn, when it's time to begin school again.

Let the summer will be fun and busy, and I'm sure we'll learn a lot of new things to share.

From a mother's heart- bring on summer with all the ups and downs, twists and turns. May we all enjoy some extra time with the kiddos.

*PALS is an acronym that seems to have different meanings indifferent places. For instance, I've seen it called Pacific Autism Learning Service(s) as well as others.

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