Friday, July 26, 2013

Spreading Love and Knowledge

Today's blog is a little bit different than most I write. I want to share the story of a little boy and the sanitation worker who took time to make a little boy's day (he didn't know at the time that Greyson was on the spectrum). Greyson is an amazing and very special little guy. He was in my boys' class last year for a while and my little ones actually spent enough time with time with, they took to calling him Grey (it's much easier for them). I try to keep up with his progress through the blog his mom writes. Though I haven't been able to read it for quite some time, something tugged at me to check in and I'm glad I did.

When the boys see a picture of Greyson, even Daniel, the mostly non-verbal twin repeats Anthony when he sees Greyson's picture. "Grey" Anthony will say, then he smiles and is on his way again.


Anyway, there was an article in our local newspaper, then on the local t.v. about Greyson. Then, if that wasn't blessing enough, the NBC Nightly News put it in the Making a Difference segment.

You see, Frank, a man that drives a garbage truck for their area, and Greyson loves the truck. On pick up day, Greyson's mom takes him outside to watch the truck. Like most autistic boys, he jumps up and down, flaps and genuinely shows his excitement. One day Frank, after seeing them outside week after week, pulled over and met with them. He let Greyson get in the truck and not only did Greyson get a great deal of satisfaction, he actually spoke a 3 word sentence - spontaneously. That's HUGE!

When I told the boys that Grey was coming on T.V., they actually stopped what they were doing to see the television. (They've never directed their attention so fast, at least not without a 2nd or 3rd prompt). When they saw Greyson they both froze for a minute as if trying to figure out why he was on their T.V. and not here in person. Then, all of a sudden they started jumping up and down, flapping their hands and squealing with delight to see their old friend. My sister, her daughter, my husband and I were so amazed that not one of us was able to get the camera out before they stopped. We never expected that kind of reaction.

You can find the story that started it all on Chrissy's blog:
and the NBC Nightly News link:

I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.  :)

From a mother's heart - as long as we keep moving forward and spreading the word, we will make a difference together. SmallSmileyFace

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