Friday, September 13, 2013

Facts and Statistics

Autism is one of the fastest growing disorders in the USA right now.

The following facts and statistics apply to ASD (autistic spectrum disorder) based on several different reports (most links noted below):
  • There has been a 78 % increase in ASDs over the last decade
  • 1 in every 54 boys will have autism (probably more at this point)
  • 4 - 5 boys to every 1 girl are currently diagnosed with ASD (depending on the study you see)
  • Current study by CDC (phone survey based) shows 1 in 50 are diagnosed with autism
  • The fastest growing developmental disability in the US
  • Occurs in all racial and ethnic groups (no one is immune)
  • Autism is a serious life-long condition - can even be debilitating
  • affects not only the person with it, but the whole family
  • Up to 40 % of children with autism are bullied at school (possibly more)
  • You usually can't tell just by looking at someone that they have autistic spectrum disorder
There are more statistics, but I think these are enough to encourage anyone to learn about and spread the word regarding autism. Too many people are still in denial when it comes to their own children possibly having autism or any other disorders. They may take to long to get help for their children which only makes it harder for the child to "catch up". Others seem to think that there is nothing they can do, that it's too late for them to do anything. Fortunately, even though early intervention is best, intervention at any time can be beneficial.

There is new research being done all the time and the more information we find out the better chance of finding a cure, or a prevention.

From a mother's heart - take the time to let someone know the statistics and signs of autism, it may help someone get the services they need - sooner than later.

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