Monday, September 16, 2013


I have a few "passions" that I try spend time on/with whenever I can. I absolutely love: God, my family, writing, taking pictures, and getting the word out about autism. This past weekend we decided to go for a drive in the foothills. We live in the state of California. Not the Hollywood or Beverly Hills, California you see on television. We are in the hot, dry, more smog than greenery - California. These are not complaints (though we could do without the bad air) I love the weather, having things to do close by, etc. We are about an hour away from the mountains where we can go to see trees, grass, animals and even snow in the winter. It's a huge difference from the city.

While we were in the foothills I was able to take pictures while my husband drove. I began to notice a lot of contradictions in the scenery. Old buildings (mostly barns) falling apart with new buildings not far away. Dead trees with new growth coming out of them. You can see the "rebirth" of the land from previous fires where new growth has begun. You see old styles of homes along with new. You see old farming equipment and new machines.


Looking at this beautiful scenery made me realize that we live with contradiction every day. Especially when you have a child with autism. For those with children who have "regressed" you've seen your child grow and learn, seemingly "normal" - and then all of a sudden stop progressing. They seem to have lost everything they'd learned before. You watch your child(ren) struggle, helplessly trying to figure out what's going on. All the while seeing that little "spark" in their eye - knowing they are trapped inside, waiting to breakout of their prison.

For those who have dedicated people that provide services and schools to give help they need, you get to watch the "rebirth" of your child(ren). You may watch ABA (applied behavior analysis) slowly teach your child to focus on things, start identifying things they "really do still know". Then maybe the school begins to teach things that are either new or "bring out the knowledge" that's locked inside.
D - ABA - 1A - ABA - 9

When kiddos on the spectrum are given the opportunity, you will see a "rebirth" take place. They have a certain quality that reminds you of when they were just babies. So innocent and ready to take on the world. Only now, they really are preparing to take on the world. They are now ready to interact with it, but remember, they have so much more of a roadblock that stereotypical kiddos do. Everything new they have to learn creates a new door they must learn how to open and walk through.

From a mother's heart - remember that for every thing there is a season. A time to weep and a time to laugh. A time to tear down and a time to build.  A time for rebirth...

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