Saturday, September 7, 2013

The "Sick" Time of Year

You can generally tell the "time" of the (school) year by watching the children going to and from school. Their facial expressions speak volumes. The look has gone from the "apprehensive first day" to the "happy to see my friends" face. Now, only two weeks into the school year, those "happy" faces are changing again. It is already "sharing" time... sharing colds and viruses that is. It's kind of interesting watching how the kiddos respond to not feeling well.
sick face 2sick face
As a stereotypical person, you can generally tell how someone is feeling by looking at them. Even if the person won't say "how they feel", it generally shows on their face. You can tell if someone is having a good or bad day, if they are sick - there are usually signs, etc. Many of the kiddos on the spectrum can't usually tell by looking at others how they feel, and lately I've noticed you can't always "read" their (kiddos with ASD) emotions either.
indifferent face
Many stereotypical kiddos seem to want to make sure others know they don't feel well. (I'm not judging whether a child is sick or not, just making general observations). They let you know they're upset for having to go to school; they make sure you know they'd rather be home. Then there are those kiddos who want to be in school regardless of not feeling well. Those are the ones the parent keeps asking "are you sure you feel well enough for school?"

A lot of the little ones on the spectrum have a way of keeping that "toddler mentality" when they aren't feeling well. Those kiddos will work or play to the best of their ability, no matter how they feel. They will continue on until their bodies say "enough!", then... some may meltdown, others will simply fall asleep. I've watched my own boys doing ABA (applied behavior analysis) - they are working hard one minute, and completely sound asleep the next.
Then you do what you would do for any child who is sick: nurture, love and do your best to help them get better. Also, remember that a child should not go to school if they have a fever - there's more of a chance of getting others sick. Then the illness spreads all over again.

From a mother's heart - May all your children have a good school year! I pray that they will all grow, learn and be exceptionally healthy this year!!!
God Bless!

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