Sunday, November 24, 2013

My Muses

Whenever I sit down and really feel the need to write, sometimes I just can't seem to find the right topic. With so many thoughts and ideas on possible blogs... I don't know which topic to choose 1st. So, I'll look to my kiddos, they are my muses... my inspiration. If it wasn't for them, I would never have truly realized that autism was a world unto itself. That there are so many aspects to it, so many things attributed to ASD (autism spectrum disorder). That there are so many levels. I imagine that I would've written a different type of blog eventually, but maybe without the passion I have for autism awareness.


Ever since Daniel's first assessment and confirmation of autism, the whole world has changed for us. Because of this disorder, we look for any and all information we can. Anything to help them communicate with us and others. Anything to help them socialize, or at least learn social "etiquette" or manners. Whatever we can do to help them get along in this world, because it isn't about us... it's all about them.

When you get the confirmation that your child actually has ASD, you don't want to believe it... even if you already know it inside. You want it to be something else, anything else to attribute the behavior to... something curable. Unfortunately that isn't the case. So when you realize, that it isn't something fatal, at least now you have a direction to go in. You start to find out all you can. You read more than you ever have. You look online for any information, you get books about autism, you read blogs, you start to notice other people and kiddos. You see past the exterior - you watch behaviors. You look for others in the same position and start asking questions.


We can best talk to others about autism, because we ourselves have learned about it first hand. We learn by living it, then we look to educate ourselves by other means. Everything I have researched has been because of (a) one or both of our sons exhibiting certain behaviors; (b) someone else asking questions; (c) something being brought to my attention; or (d) seeing a story somewhere.

That's why I've become so vocal about autism... my muses:


Because of how special they are, who they are, how they are. They each have their unique behavior, even though they are identical twins. They each have their own "stims" (self regulating behavior), their own routine necessities, their own sensory issues. Like all those who live in the autistic realm, they are unique individuals with their own story to share. Their own lessons to teach.


From a mother's heart - It's not just about awareness or acceptance... it's about removing the prejudice and fear of someone on the spectrum.

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