Thursday, January 16, 2014

Spring Fever... Already?

Spring fever - that time of year when all you can think about is being somewhere else. Not at school, or work or where you are currently. Just somewhere else. When most stereotypical people, at least, have more of a tendency to lose track of what they're doing, when thoughts turn to being able to do what you want - to daydream of somewhere other than where you are.
Spring time, my favorite season of the year. The time when everything that's been asleep during the winter wakes up. New life springs forth, usually starts in... March??? - usually.  Here in California it's only January and we've had temperatures in the upper 60's and lower 70's already. It's like we just barely started winter and spring is trying to move in already. We are in dire need of rain, but until it comes... spring fever has already hit. With or without autism related disorders in the household... spring fever hits the family.
snoopy fever

First thing in the morning it's in the low to mid 40's, which means long sleeve shirts. Long sleeve shirts (for us) means - chewing opportunity.  The boys both have the "chewing" need... one of the biggest downsides to this (aside from them being 6 and chewing on their shirt and anything else they get hold of) is that long sleeve shirts are one of the first things they opt to chew on - sleeves, collar, etc. We use "chewies", which help, but someone has to constantly remind them to use 'em.
DSC_0605chewies 2
By the time the afternoon rolls around the temperature is around the upper 50's and lower 60's. The sun is generally shining, making it look warmer than it is. Around 3 - 4 o'clock the temperature is as hot as it'll get for the day. At this point the boys are working on applied behavior analysis (ABA) and you can tell that the sun outside is just calling to them to go outside. By the time ABA is over, the temperature is starting to drop again... but they still want outside.
For those with kiddos on the spectrum, you know how hard it can be to "redirect" your little one from certain things. No matter what you try, they will continue to be focused on that "item" until they can get to do it. For us, it's outside. It doesn't matter what time of day, what the temperature or the weather. It is a must to go outside at least once a day.

For the boys, going outside seems like what spring fever is to me. You can see it in their eyes when they look outside, they'd rather be out there than anywhere else. You can see the freedom in their eyes... I wouldn't change it for the world.
From a mother's heart - Spring fever... Rebirth... Time to dream / daydream... A chance to see things through new eyes, hopefully. Enjoy your springtime, whenever it comes.
God Bless! heart

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