Saturday, January 11, 2014

Welcome 2014...

Every year, at some point within the month of December or January, John Lennon's song - Happy Xmas comes to mind. These words in particular...
So this is Xmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
This year it's made me re-evaluate the way I've been writing this blog. I've thought that maybe it could be a little more "this" or a little less "that". I'm going to try to experiment, so please let me know if you like - or dislike - something. It's all about learning and sharing.
learning 1
Having twins on the autism spectrum makes our lives extremely... interesting. Because of our, interesting life... I've been on a fact finding mission for the last 5 years. Facts that have led me to more information, information that has led to new questions.
photo 3
Unlike the flu that will affect most everyone in the same way, autism is a very individual and personal disorder. I am still amazed at how many people don't know what autism is. They've at least heard the word autism, (which is good) but still don't understand what it is (which is bad). I've even heard someone say - what's the big deal... just another special interest... all kids have issues. WHAT?!  While the it's true that all kids have issues, many can be worked through, cured or managed. Autism can not be cured, managed or "worked through" - it must be "worked with" on a daily basis.
Most kiddos with autism, must learn and re-learn almost everything they do. It can takes years to get a child with autism to be able to function well enough for them to be able to fit into what society calls acceptable. People with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have to learn to "redirect" what they see as normal behavior.

This year I hope to give a bigger glimpse into the daily life for us, and hopefully show others a little of what autism families go through. Though autistic kiddos all have individual issues, they have similar behaviors that many families will deal with on a daily basis.

From a mother's heart - Happy New Year!    (a third of the way into January)

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