Thursday, February 14, 2013

Side Tracked

It's been one of those days... The one where you start to do one thing and then before you finish it, you're pulled away to do something else. If you're lucky, you'll get back to what you were doing to begin with. But, if you are at all like me, you'll only remember once you've been side tracked again several times. Then of course, you have several things on the "back burner" waiting for you to get back to them.

Start washing dishes... Gotta pick up a spill. Paying bills... Need to change a diaper. Cleaning bathroom... Someone needs attention. Truth be told, at least I am not usually pulled away from anything that's super important. Still, it can get annoying. We all have those days when we've put things off for so long that we need to get back to them. I've found that it happens twice as much now with ASD in the household than it ever did before. And... that's ok. How do I say no to these faces (if I don't have to that is):

boys 2

My boys have taught me so much since they were diagnosed with Autism. They have made me realize there is so much more to life than the "things" we need to do. The dishes will still be there until... the bills aren't going anywhere and the bathroom, well the bathroom... need I say more. All of those things will still be there when I've taken care of the two most precious blessings I've ever received.

Some of what I've learned is:   it's ok to be upset - but to let it go as soon as possible. Move on with being happy.   Live in the moment .   Look at things from a child's perspective - it brings new meaning each time.    Belly laugh whenever you have the chance.    Don't put too much on your plate, if you do, walk away and come back to it later. (Figuratively and realistically.)

castle through the eyes of a childDSC_0762DSC_0677

It really does make a difference on how you look at things. You can find bad in anything, but how much better to find the good. So, choose to look at the "side tracked" moments as a chance to see something different.

From a mother's heart - Happy Valentine's Day.

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