Sunday, February 24, 2013

You Just Made My Day!

I love those days when, as a parent of autistic boys, they can do something that - at least for a moment, makes you forget your kiddo(s) have autism. Have you ever had one of those days when almost nothing can get you down. Nothing seems to go wrong. Everything is coming up rainbows, as "they" say. Admittedly not the whole day, beautiful, precious moments at a time. Sometimes, if you're lucky, many moments at a time.

During those moments, your kiddo looks at you in a certain way - your heart melts and you see this kiddo - really see him/her. The real one, the one that seems to be trapped inside his/her own body, world. Either kiddo that you've either already met, and they've regressed, or the one that has not emerged before. They do something out of the ordinary (for them). That glance that looks you in the eye and really sees you, connects with you, looking at you - not looking through you. The times they seem to laugh at something funny, that you actually get and laugh too. The play time that is appropriate - not just spinning endlessly or chewing on every toy within their reach.

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These are the times you scoop your little one up, hug and kiss them, and don't want to let go.That is the moment you truly realize these times are more precious than you previously thought. The brain rushes to figure out the best possible way to enjoy the moment. You grab the camera, you try to communicate, a hundred questions rush to mind. It's not like a non-verbal child is just going to start talking and recite the constitution or anything. It is the hope they will repeat "hi, mommy" when you say "hi" or even, should we hope... "I love you!" The truth is that the look, the hug, snuggle or whatever it is your child gives you that lets you know it's them reaching out... That's the "you just made my day" moment.

From a mother's heart - May something happen today that, makes your day.

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