Thursday, June 13, 2013

Cost of Autism

When I look at my babes, the last thing I think about is the cost. The cost of raising them. The cost of raising them - with autism being a major factor in their / our lives.


With the deficit rising every day (in the US) and the cost of medical insurance going up, the cost to treat autism has gone through the roof, and not only because of the deficit. The programs that were put in place to "help lower" costs and help pay for treatment, are being cut all the time. I find this especially interesting considering the fact that our taxes don't go down. In the United States alone, the projected cost of raising a child with autism in their lifetime will be approximately $1.4 million dollars. If they have an intellectual disability as well, then the cost jumps to about $ 2.3 million. Those are the approximate costs in the US, and all the reports/articles I've read so far going back to 2008 state this. This is not accounting for inflation either.

money 2money

These totals are for 1 child, ONE. So, what if you have two, three or more kiddos with autism in your home? I can't imagine it, (at least not more than two). I do know that without the programs we currently have in place, we couldn't afford to provide the services our boys need in order to help them grow. My hope, prayer, is that one day they will be able to function in this world and be accepted as the person they are. (Not necessarily in that order). Short of that, I pray that they will have the programs necessary to  keep them moving forward for as long as they can.

Most people wonder how it can cost more to raise an autistic child vs, a neurotypical child. Well, this amount includes the same things as raising a neurotypical child and then adding the following:
  • Behavior Services (ABA) (CBT)
  • OT (occupational therapy)
  • Speech Therapy
  • Medications
  • Special Education (not covered by school)
  • Physician and Outpatient costs (Primary Care, Gastroenterologist, ENT (Ear Nose Throat), Psychologist, Psychiatrist)
  • Cost of a parent who needs to stay at home
  • Specialized child care if parent(s) have to work
  • Particular clothing (not to irritate skin)
  • Vests, weighted blankets, chewing items, etc
  • Etc.
I'm sure there are more things that could be added to this list, but these are the basic things that many autistic children need (that I've found out about so far). This is just the cost per child in the US. I imagine the cost to be comparable in many other countries (noting differences in the cost of living). Even if there is national public health care, the citizens still pay for it through their taxes, so it isn't free. From what I've found so far Europe, the U.K., Scandinavian countries, and China have developed programs to identify and treat autism. Data is still not known in many remote locations, though organizations like Autism Speaks, colleges, etc. are working to find out and help develop programs.

global indexAutism Prevalence around the World (2000-2008)          (the map above is on this report)  

With the numbers of people, mostly children, being diagnosed with an ASD (autism spectrum disorder) growing, we must find a way to be able to address people on the spectrum. We need to find a way to get autism addressed everywhere we can. I think too many children are being left on the sidelines when there are ways to help treat them. I've watched countless videos showing children becoming integrated into society. Becoming aware enough to work, live alone or with others in group homes, and even drive. Anything is possible for our kiddos if we can just get them the help they need. Or at the very least teaching families how to work with there kiddos and get results.

I am not foolish enough to believe that all children will become fully able to deal in society as a whole. But my hope is that all children with autism will some day be accepted and embraced by society. This way, I believe, they will truly have the best chances of a successful future.

From a mother's heart - I realize that the cost is important, but we will all find a way to raise our kiddos the best way we can. They will always be worth whatever it is we can do for them. Right? Right!
God Bless <3

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