Sunday, June 9, 2013

In the Early Morning Hours

It is 3:45 in the morning... years ago I would be wide awake from chronic insomnia, unable to go back to bed. The perfect time to write. Everything quiet, peaceful. Now... one of the boys wake up and he is WIDE awake. My body yearns for the bed and my babe is bouncing off the walls. Thanks to autism... we can be assured to be awakened at any point during the night. It isn't very long before he wakes up brother, and then dad too. Most nights the boys will sleep, but once in a while...


I could easily get upset (and at first I am) at being taken out of bed so early, or I can embrace it. After fighting the actual getting out of bed part, for a good 1/2 hour, I'm choosing to do the latter. Getting upset won't help anything or anyone.

So, we migrate to the living room and sit on the couch in the dark for about 15 minutes. OK... boys won't sit there... still not sleepy. They get up and begin to turn on the lights in different rooms. As "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective" would say - "Alrighty then". So, knowing that they will eventually wind down I turn on the T.V. Maybe there will be something we can watch that will relax (bore) us enough to drift back off to la-la land. But I find, of all things, Muppets From Space - one of the boys favorite movies. The sleep deprivation kicks in and actually makes me think, "oh, they like this one, maybe they'll sit on the couch and we can relax... REALLY? " I have to laugh out loud on that one...

While sitting here and typing, the boys have dragged daddy back in to the bedroom. At first I think I'll wrap this up for now, it's be well over an hour since we got up. Maybe they are getting ready to "nap"... But then, those giggles that say - time to play with daddy. They'll jump on him and he'll rough-house with them. That's really what they need. It will help to tire them out. And later today...

From a mother's heart - Just another part of the spectrum that makes things interesting around our house. And many, many others I'm sure.

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