Friday, June 14, 2013

"This Is Autism"

I watched this wonderful documentary called "This Is Autism", hosted by Louis Theroux (an English journalist and broadcaster). I thought it was great because it follows three families dealing with autism. A high school student, a set of fraternal twins and a younger teenager. They show different aspects of autism, and it is not sugar coated. For short segment of each story check out the link below:

Nicky: Autistic & Talented       Autistic Twins          Joey has an outburst/meltdown

This documentary even opened my husband"s eyes to what it's like when he's not home, and to see that others go through this as well. He works so hard to take care of us that he doesn't get much of a chance to meet others with autistic children. It gave me the idea to do something similar, give a glimpse of what we can go through.
happy                                                                 inquisitive / exploring boys

Meltdown/outburst                                     Episode                                                Tantrum
Good day doing errands                                                       Stimming - self stimulating behavior
IMG_1044playground 5
"Social" / play time (usually parallel play)
D - ABA - 1A - ABA - 9DSC_0219
Work time                                                                     Rest time

From a mothers heart - that's a glimpse into our world. Share your world with others too, maybe it can increase awareness.
God Bless heart

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