Sunday, October 27, 2013

Picky or Sensitive Eater?

One problem we have had, and many other families with kiddos on the spectrum have... picky eaters. We call them picky, but I think a more appropriate term would be "sensitive" eater. There seems to be at least 2 culprits responsible for food preferences for kiddos with ASD* (autism spectrum disorder), either a problem with textures or a digestive issue.


When the boys started eating baby food, we fed them the way the doctor recommended, one food for a few days and if there were no problems, introduce another one. We did this for each food and had no problems. They were great eaters, ate virtually everything (except the pureed peaches). They did great with new foods as they got teeth and new foods were introduced. They even liked broccoli - which shocked us. Everything went along fine until Daniel regressed, then he stopped eating most of the foods he had eaten before.


After talking to the doctor and being told that many kiddos develop their "taste buds" at this age, he was probably going to be a picky eater. We made sure that the few foods he would eat were on the "healthy healthier" side, and started giving him his vitamins religiously. I started looking online since I wasn't sure if he was "just" a picky eater or there was more to it. Some kiddos are indeed picky, while others have a  reason they are "not" eating something.


I found out that there are some very real issues that affect kiddos on the spectrum and will cause them not to eat. Gastrointestinal problems are among the most common medical issues with kiddos on the spectrum. (These issues affect many children, not just those with autism). Chronic diarrhea or constipation, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome),  food allergies, malabsorption issues, GERD (gastrointestinal reflux disease), casein or gluten issues. The best advice for these issues, would be to have your kiddo see a gastroenterologist. For us it is definitely a case of: "if I knew then, what I know now", we would've taken both of our boys to a gastroenterologist a lot sooner than we did.
autism and G.I. (Gastrointestinal issues) addressed here:

malabsorption issues are addressed here:

photo 4 (10)

Another issue for kiddos on the spectrum is SPD (sensory processing disorder) and can be another cause for "pickiness" when it comes time to eat. There are 2 different oral sensitivities: hypersensitivity and hyposensitivity. Each is addressed in a separate way, and the person can be helped by an OT (occupational therapist) to determine if it is SPD. (They can also let you know if other types of SPD are present and should be addressed). It should also be noted that not only kiddos on the autism spectrum have SPD, many others have it too and may not realize it.

From a mother's heart - if your have a kiddo with autism, or even a stereotypical kiddo, that seems "picky" - please don't force them to eat until you know why they aren't eating. It could be more than pickiness entirely.
God Bless!

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