Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Vacation 2013 (Part 3)...

Disneyland - Day 2 (Monday - October 7, 2013)

Once the morning routine was over, we went directly to California Adventure to get our passes (since we had an issue the day before about getting 2 passes). We anticipated long lines and it was, luckily we ended up getting to the front relatively quickly. We ended up waiting for about 20 minutes, maybe a little longer. We had to do some major "redirecting" of attention and walk around where we were for the boys, we were lucky they stayed relatively calm. (The lines were not as bad as a few days after we left from what I've been told by others after we left).  When we went in, we had planned on getting two GAC (Guest Assistance Card) passes with access for 4. One for each son, and since the day before we'd run into an issue by having two passes with 2 people on each, we wanted to make sure our family stayed together. That way if the boys showed interest in different rides, we could go on them separately, or we could all go on the same ride at the same time.

photo 1 (22)photo 2 (13)
Now, before I go any further, I realize that there are some people who think that kiddos with autism or other special needs don't "deserve" any special treatment. I will say right now that we don't ask for anything "special" we ask to be able to let our children have fun like any other child is able to. We would gladly stand in a line for more than 5 or more minutes if it didn't mean our kiddos would have a meltdown because of sensory overload. Because they don't yet understand that "taking turns" means that it could take more than 5 minutes before they could go on a ride. That they actually understood the concept of "time" as we know it. I would gladly trade places with anyone of them and their child for just one ride, if it meant my kiddo could wait, not get so anxious that they start stimming (self-stimulating behavior) to offset the jitters and sensory overload. We try to do our part to make things "fair" (even though we know life isn't) and only use the pass if the line for a ride is more than a 5 minute wait.
Disneyland - Day 3 (Tuesday - October 8, 2013)

We went to Disneyland's City Hall on Day 3 to get the GAC pass, and were met with a longer line, and a lot more "attitude" by some of the guest services personnel. Now I believe that as Wednesday approached many people, like us were continually asking questions about the new system. I'm willing to "ignore" the attitude at this point simply because I don't believe in "shooting the messenger". I figured that since the employees had been instructed "not to release" any information on the new system, and the "management" had released that the people had been in training for the change for the "past month", this put the employees in a bad position. Luckily it was pretty quiet and we didn't need the passes very much at all.

ca adv chamber

By the evening of the 3rd day, I have to admit I was getting pretty anxious about October 9. The changes so far had been very subtle, but were definitely showing signs of change. Whether it would be a good or bad change. Whether or not we would even consider renewing our annual pass... It was a bit of a restless night for me, and I am generally a very optimistic person. I imagine everyone there who had to deal with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) and any other special need was feeling the same way.

From a mother's heart - change can be good or bad, but no one knows until it begins. It's hard not to be anxious when a lot is riding on the coming changes.

To Be Continued (again)...

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