Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Who Really Has the Special Needs?

My question actually stems from a "pet peeve" ( says - pet peeve - noun:  something that annoys or bothers a person very much). I have a problem with people who complain about people with "special needs".
be nice

During the transition to the new pass at Disneyland (which I still have major reservations about - but that's for another day), I heard and read so many issues with the fact that there was even a pass - I thought I'd scream.
special needs 1
Many of the comments I've heard and read included:
  1. What makes "them" so "special" that they should be able to cut in line?
  2. No one should get any special privileges.
  3. My kid has to stand in line, so should everyone else.
  4. My kid doesn't need a special bus, why should I pay for that with my taxes.
  5. Why do they have special parking spots, especially for someone with a wheel chair... (this on really burned me up -not that the others didn't)
  6. Why do they have a handicapped plate... they don't even look like they need it.
  7. Special needs just gives them an excuse to get something extra.
I could go on, but I know you get the point, and have probably heard some of these ignorant remarks too. Anyway, I finally decided to address this topic as the mother of 2 special needs kiddos on the spectrum
don't compare
I, along with many other parents I imagine, would trade anyone for a day in my shoes... so to speak:

10. Getting kiddos with autism up in the morning without the possibility of a meltdown.
  9. Trying to get my boys to eat something healthy for every breakfast, lunch or dinner.
  8. I would love to not have a kiddo that is a "flight risk" / wanderer. To not need a handicap placard, that we didn't need to park close enough to the store, because of the real possibility that your kiddo could run in front of a car because (s)he "bolts".
  7. For my babes to understand that being without fear is actually a "safety risk". That the stove is hot enough to hurt you, and still put their hands near it after almost getting burned countless times.
  6. To go to an amusement park and be able to stand in a line for more than 5 minutes without having a meltdown.
  5. Not having a kiddo understand that - not everyone who approaches them has good intentions toward them.
  4. Have a kiddo on the spectrum who is constantly "stimming" (self-regulating behavior) in order to be able to cope with their situation.
  3. To get a whole night's sleep - not to be up for hours on end because your kiddo(s) simply can't sleep and are wide awake.
  2. To not need several medications just to "function" appropriately.
  1. To have an age appropriate conversation with your kiddo.
compassion 1compassion
I think that those who complain about special needs, are truly the ones with special needs. They need the special education to be taught by loving people how "special" - patience, love and most of all compassion are. They need to learn that if not for the grace of GOD - they themselves would be the one who lives with someone who is special. They just might learn that everyone in GOD's great creation is SPECIAL in one way or another. No one is greater than anyone else.

From a mother's heart - I yearn for the day when acceptance, knowledge and compassion is the norm.
God Bless!

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