Sunday, December 16, 2012

I Can't Imagine Being a Parent...

Today I am going to address something other than Autism, frankly because writing is a coping mechanism for me, and I hope people will never forget to hug and tell your children you love them... EVERY DAY! Regardless of whether you think they understand or not. The following are my thoughts about the heinous events in Sandy Hook, Connecticut on Friday, December 14, 2012.

I, like many, am completely unable to think of little else than what transpired in Connecticut on Friday. When I went to pick up my boys from school, I found myself trying not to cry. Imagining the worst possible thing that could happen to a parent. To lose your precious child. To drop your child off, or take them to the school bus, that morning and that be the last time you see them alive. To receive an automated computer or text message from the superintendent of schools saying, there has been a shooting at one of our schools, but not stating which one. I imagine I would freeze for a moment and then... panic .

To rush to the school to find out if your child's school was the one involved. To find out it was. To hear that there are several children who have been shot. To frantically look around for your child. The relief at finding them, or the pain and anguish of not. To be escorted to an area and be told that your child is among the dead. To have to identify your loved one, through a picture because the scene is to gruesome. Because people who truly care don't want you to see and remember your baby that way.

To realize that these families have been affected by an outside force at a time when we are celebrating love. To know that Christmas presents must have already been bought and wrapped or not, will not be opened by the intended recipient.

Yes, my heart goes out that community. To all those families who are hurting from the loss they have suffered. As a people, we have been conditioned to accept the "circle of life". The growing old and passing away after what you would hope would be a long life. But how, how do you cope in this situation. I know that I couldn't do it without my faith, and even then I would have a really big crisis of faith.

Please take a moment to say a prayer, and if you don't pray - think about them - for all the families directly and indirectly affected by this tragedy. Hug your loved ones extra tight and long. Tell them how much you love them. Most of all give thanks for your family.

Image from Facebook

God Bless!

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