Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Just Being

I have been racking my brain lately for my next topic to write about. Quite frankly I kept coming up blank. I like to write about things that would be beneficial to read. That might help someone else, help someone learn about different faces of autism. To hopefully help someone not feel alone. Then, it finally hit me. It's not just about the autism, it's about the person on the spectrum and their family, their support system. It's about you and me and our loved ones.


Sometimes we all just need to slow down and enjoy each other's company. No expectations, no pretense. Just enjoy our time together. Learn something new about each other. Be thankful for who we have in our lives. We don't have to go anywhere. But if we decide to, that's good too...
IMG_0165            Daniel walk 3          boys 2

It's all about the time we spend together, doing something or nothing at all. Just being. And I think that says it all. Have a wonderful day with your loved ones.

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